Thursday, July 23, 2009

GOP Can't be Bothered With Drafting Own Health-Care Reform

Leader Of GOP Health Care “Solutions Group” Says GOP Won’t Offer Health Care Bill
The gaffe in question: GOP Rep. Roy Blunt has now said Republicans won’t offer a health care bill of their own, breaking a previous promise. Worse, it turns out Blunt is chair of something called the “House GOP Health Care Solutions Group.”

Congressional Investigations of CIA Move Ahead, Republicans Flipflop to Score Political Points

In the wake of revelations that CIA had failed to disclose to Congress a planned terrorist assassination program for seven years, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Reyes announced Friday that his committee has launched a formal investigation into CIA's failure to disclose its activities to Congress. Congressional Republicans, who in the past have been vociferous critics of CIA and especially its communications with Congress, complain that the investigation would be unfair to CIA and is a smokescreen to protect Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Reyes issued a statement Friday afternoon announcing the investigation:

After careful consideration and consultation with the Ranking Minority Member and other members of the Committee, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence will conduct an investigation into possible violations of federal law, including the National Security Act of 1947.

This investigation will focus on the core issue of how the congressional intelligence committees and Congress are kept fully and currently informed. To this end, the investigation will examine several issues, including the program discussed during Director Panetta's June 24th notification and whether there was any past decision or direction to withhold information from the Committee.

The House Intelligence Committee's investigation will cover a range of issues related to CIA's relations with Congress, such as:

-- Allegations leveled by former CIA official Mary McCarthy in 2006 that senior CIA officers lied to Congress when they claimed that agency interrogation methods complied with treaties barring torture and inhumane treatment.

-- Former ranking Democratic committee member Bob Graham's assertion in 2005 that Vice President Cheney and Bush administration intelligence officials lied to him about domestic eavesdropping,

-- Ranking Republican Intelligence Committee member Pete Hoekstra's accusation that CIA lied to Congress about the shootdown of an American missionary airplane over Peru in 2001.

Hoekstra, who has flipflopped from excoriating CIA to becoming its impassioned defender, illustrates how the GOP is less interested in intelligence policy governance than in scoring political points against Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. A few short years ago, Republicans were openly distrustful of CIA for its supposed 'disloyalty' to Bush administration views on a variety of national security issues.