Monday, July 20, 2009

Are Cons detached from reality

Flashback: Cronkite Warned In Lead-Up To Iraq War — ‘We Are Going To Be In Such A Fix’

Conservative Pat Buchanan apparently doesn't read much history, claiming only white folks built America.

On Fox, Rove, Hannity spread falsehood that Summers promised jobs right away
Echoing his Wall Street Journal editorial, Karl Rove, along with Sean Hannity, falsely suggested that White House adviser Larry Summers promised that the economic recovery plan would "create jobs right away."

On the July 16 edition of Fox News' Hannity, host Sean Hannity and Fox News contributor Karl Rove advanced the falsehood that White House chief economic adviser Larry Summers promised that the economic recovery plan would "create jobs right away." In fact, during a February 14 appearance on CNN's The Situation Room, after saying that "[y]ou'll see the effects [of the economic plan] begin almost immediately," Summers specified that the immediate effects would include prevented layoffs, tax cuts, "orders" for infrastructure projects, and "better maintenance of schools." Summers added that "the effect will build over time."