Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Conservatives Live in Their Own Little Fact Free World

Out Of Touch Hannity Thinks Ham Costs 79 Cents "In Most Grocery Stores"
When was the last time multimillionaire Sean Hannity actually shopped in a grocery store - 1985? On last night's (7/20/09) Hannity, he attacked the Obama administration for purchasing ham for food banks and soup kitchens at a cost of about $1.50 per pound. "By the way," Hannity sneered, "the ham (the government has paid) $1.50 for? It actually costs only 79 cents in most grocery stores." Oh, really? Either Hannity hasn't set foot in a grocery store for a good 20+ years or we'd love to know where he shops.

....I also checked Kroger in La Porte, Indiana. They have Oscar Mayer chopped ham on sale this week at $2.49, for a pound, with a purchase of 10 qualifying items. Otherwise, the sales price is $2.99 with a shopper's card.

Maddow Demolishes Buchanan's Surreal Facts About America's Racial Past (VIDEO)
Several days ago, Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan had a heated debate about the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court and the fairness an necessity of affirmative action.

While Maddow said it would not be fair to re-litigate issues without the guest with whom they were discussed, and that it's "not cool" to talk about guests after their segment is over, she did feel the need to correct several things Buchanan stated as fact that simply were not true.

A sampling of the "facts" of Buchanan that Maddow corrected:

* Buchanan: "She's never written anything in terms of a law review article or major book or something like that on the law." False. Maddow's staff tracked down at least five such articles, proving that just because Buchanan hasn't read something does not mean it has melted from existence.

* Buchanan: "How did she get on Yale Law Review? Affirmative action." False. Maddow contacted Yale Law School and confirmed that the students themselves choose who makes the Law Review, and a spokesperson said this about Buchanan's affirmative action statement: "That is a statement of opinion by Mr. Buchanan."

and, A Layman Attempts To Understand Wing-Nut Psychology

We've all been there. In a debate on one blog or another with some right-wing ideologue, who seemingly lives in an alternate universe. Facts presented to him or her are rejected out of hand, in favor of debunked, fact-free ideologically-based nonsense. How could they believe 'x' when I already proved without a shadow of a doubt how 'x' is an impossibility, you gasp to yourself.

It's exasperating to say the least. What goes on in the brain of an right-wing ideologue? How is it that they can convince themselves that 2+2=5 over and over again, with utter conviction?

....full post at link