Why does Sarah Palin hate the United States of America judicial system, Palin Calls Decision To Try 9/11 Defendants In Federal Court ‘Atrocious,’ Wants To ‘Hang ‘Em High’
But the U.S. justice system apparently isn’t good enough for former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (who believes that the White House has a “Department of Law“). Last night she went on Facebook and posted a message calling the Obama administration’s decision “atrocious”If Sarah would watch fewer soap operas and read more newspapers she might learn that the United States has prosecuted 145 terrorism cases in federal court. Most, if not all of whom will die in prison.
What else is bothering the fascist-lite crowd. What is not included in a movie, 2012 Offends Catholics, Dimwits, Ex-Cons
The huge new disaster movie 2012 opens this Friday. Everyone but HuffPost blogger John Cusack drowns, but not before a statue of Jesus crumbles, a crack opens in the Sistine Chapel roof -- right between the fingers of God and Adam -- and St. Peter's Basilica falls over on a lot of Italians. These images have offended the usual people in the I'm Offended Industry, but not for the reason you'd think.They also did not destroy any ant hills, thus ants are offended. Conservatives could take some of their cash and make their own movies, but oops, they seem to spend it all on lobbyists to stop ordinary working Americans from getting health insurance.
The offense takers are offended because 2012 forgot to offend any Muslims.
Conservatives have a terrible case of tunnel vision the poor things. They imagine President Obama violating diplomatic protocols. The same violations which seemed to be OK when his holiness King George Bush did much worse - with pictures - Almost Everything You Need to Know About Conservatives and Bowing