Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fox's Sean Hannity Plays The Victim Card In Jennings Witch Hunt

Hannity Plays The Victim Card In Jennings Witch Hunt
Reported by Ellen at Hewshounds

After engaging in a relentless witch hunt against President Obama’s “safe schools czar” Kevin Jennings, even after his accusations against Jennings have been debunked, Sean Hannity has not only refused to drop his attacks, he has declared himself the victim. While he was at it, Hannity added a new smear against Jennings, comparing him to disgraced Congressman Mark Foley. But there are at least two big differences between Jennings and Foley that negate the comparison. Nobody on the panel, not even supposed liberal Nina Easton, pointed out the dissimilarities. With video.

As I posted previously, Hannity’s original pretext for attacking Jennings was that he had supposedly encouraged the “statutory rape” of a gay high school sophomore, 20 years ago, when the student told Jennings about an affair with an older man. Instead of reporting the incident to authorities, Jennings said he hoped the student knew to use a condom. Since then, the then-student has come forward with a driver’s license showing that he was 16, the age of consent, at the time. Instead of dropping the attack, Hannity moved on to smear Jennings for saying he admired Harry Hay, a respected gay rights activist. Why? Because Hay had been supportive of NAMBLA. Hannity never pointed to any indication that Jennings supported NAMBLA nor did he ever offer any evidence of any improper conduct since Jennings joined the Obama administration.

But as Hannity continued to smear Jennings again last night (10/6/09), he painted himself as the victim.

During the “Great American Panel” segment, Hannity announced, “I’m being attacked… relentlessly by the left because I’m saying that I think Kevin Jennings… should be fired.” Hannity declared “I’m not convinced” that the student was really 16 at the time. “But that’s neither here or there. Jennings was the one who said the kid was 15.” Yeah, and Jennings has since said he made a mistake. This happened 20 years ago and has absolutely nothing to do with his job now.
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