Friday, May 29, 2009

Who Is Rick Scott And What Type Of Health Care System Is He Advocating

Who Is Rick Scott And What Type Of Health Care System Is He Advocating
This Sunday, the front group Conservatives for Patients’ Rights will be airing a 30-minute documentary with “horror stories” aimed at chipping away public support for reforming our health care system. Ironically, the leader and financier of the organization, private health care executive Rick Scott, is actually credited with transforming the American health care system into the profit above-all-else culture that is currently plaguing America.

Rick Scott is not only known for his efforts to build the “McDonald’s” of the health care industry, but his company was also forced to pay a $1.7 billion fraud settlement, the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history, for systematically stealing from taxpayers.

ThinkProgress has compiled a video report detailing who Rick Scott is, and what type of health care system he is defending. Watch it: