Friday, April 10, 2009

Republican Tax Plan is Regressive

Rep. Paul Ryan: GOP Tax Plan Is ‘Progressive’
If by “progressive,” Ryan means “overwhelmingly favoring the rich while hurting the middle class,” then yes, the GOP plan is indeed “progressive.” As the Citizens for Tax Justice found, the GOP plan would slash taxes for the richest Americans while poorer families would have to pay more:

–Over a third of taxpayers, mostly low- and middle-income families, would pay more in taxes under the House GOP plan than they would under the House Democratic plan in 2010.

– The richest one percent of taxpayers would pay $75,000 less, on average, in income taxes under the House GOP plan than they would under the Democratic plan in 2010.

– The income tax proposals in the House GOP plan…would cost over $225 billion more than the Democratic plan’s income tax policies in 2010 alone.

Indeed, the GOP’s “progressive” plan would give the average CEO a $1.5 million tax break. What’s more, the poorest Americans would be forced to pay more taxes under the GOP plan.